We are happy to make the full Bible available in modern Tibetan. Modern Tibetan means it is made into contemporary Tibetan, a language used in major media and communication. This text has been translated into literary Tibetan by a team of Tibetan translators who analyzed in detail many English and Chinese versions; The text has been checked against and edited to the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts; and a few nice renderings of previous versions have been appropriately used. By this means our final prayer in regards to this translated text in literary Tibetan is that Tibetans through the reading of God’s Word will receive the love letter God has given also to Tibetans, and begin a journey in an eternal relationship with God. An historical introduction has been added to help guidance in reading with perspective to timeline and salvation history. It is made with a beautiful leather imitation and golden edges.
Buy the product at https://centralasiapublishing.com/product/ntb/
More information about the translation can be found on https://new-tibetan-bible.com/
The App for using with iPhone is found at App Store